Our current BBBEE status is Level 4, giving our customers BBBEE procurement recognition of 100%. We are also proudly 27% Black owned.
DEUTZ DIESELPOWER is a proud member of the Hudaco group and is committed to establish itself as a responsible corporate citizen. It also subscribes to the Hudaco's company values and code of conduct.
Amongst others, DDP undertakes to commit itself to achieve a satisfactory BBBEE rating in terms of the DTI's generic code of practice as part of its growth strategy. We deem this compliance as a business imperative to our customers; a social imperative to our community in which we do business in and we associate BBBEE compliance with good governance.
DEUTZ DIESELPOWER has obtained a valid certification by a recognized verification agency, EMPOWERDEX (SANAS accredited). This certificate is the result of an independent and impartial verification as measured against the DTI's Codes of Good Practice on Broad Based Black Economic Empowerment gazette 11 October 2013.